Wednesday, November 08, 2006

a change of space

We have been looking for a new place and may end up moving out soon. We have only live in this place for almost 3.5 months, but due to some other circumstances we want to move out. So we have found a place in bowie, not much father than where holly grew up at. It also isnt much farther where we are living now. Im excited about going to this other place. The kitchen is bigger, there is a separate bedroom, we wont be living underneath a dog that barks nonstop,and also wont be living under a daycare with loud kids. So I am praying that God will hold everything together in His hands as we move one place to another. Im excited about the new place, but I am not excited about moving and packing. We need moving boxes. I think if we cant get people with trucks to move all of our furniture, we may rent a Uhaul truck for a few hours so we can move everything at once, in one day. Hopefully we can also get people to move things in and out too.

So, that is what has been on our minds and hearts lately. It has been difficult moving to a place that cost more than ours now. But we both have faith that God will provide. We also feel we can both operate better as a married couple, because I can be in a totally different room doing homework with lights on as Holly can sleep in the bedroom with the lights off for her busy work days or vice versa.

We are going to see Derek Webb tomorrow night. It should be awesome! Im really excited. He's not my favorite artist, but I do enjoy his music. Holly and I haven't been to a show in a while too. It should be a good time for all. Even though I much rather go to our small married group. But it was cancelled. Holly and I have been loving it so much. Everyone there is really awesome and supportive. I think that has been the biggest blessing for us as a married couple. I would recommend it for any married couple.

That is it for now, Later,
The O'Neill's


At 9:04 AM, Blogger The Townleys said...

Okay, if ANYONE knows what it's like to move, that'd be me. I will have a surplus of boxes as of Sunday which you are welcome to. I don't have a ton, but if you want, I can ask my renters if we can go pick up THEIR boxes when they're done moving (To Annapolis). FREE BOXES! Just let me know. Obviously Rob can't help, but I can. I'm pretty beefy! I can lift stuff!

At 4:27 PM, Blogger Annie said...

Will Sparty be able to move with you to your new apt?
It sounds like a good move though! Wish we were there to help! When do you move?


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